Wednesday, July 25, 2012





Anger can range from the feeling of fleeting annoyance to full-fledged rage.  Anger is completely normal, and is usually healthy human emotion.  But do not let anger get out of control because it can turn destructive and can lead to problems be it at work place, or at home, which will certainly affect the overall quality of life

Anger usually inspires powerful, often aggressive feelings and behaviors.  A certain amount of anger is necessary to our survival.  But that does not mean lashing at every person or object that irritates or annoys us.  Social norms and common sense plays an important role on how far anger is being expressed.
The three main approaches to deal with anger are expressing, suppressing, and calming.  It is important to learn how to express your anger and getting what is needed without actually hurting others.  Be careful when trying to suppressed anger as it can turn inwards and may cause hypertension, high blood pressure, or even depression at some point.  It can also cause passive-aggressive behavior (getting back at people indirectly, without telling them why) or a personality that seems perpetually cynical and hostile.  The best is by trying to calm down.

Anger needs to be managed accordingly in order to reduce both emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes.  Learn to control the reactions.  Anger is often regarded as negative and we never learn how to handle or channel anger constructively.
Simple relaxation such as deep breathing and relaxing imagery, may help calm down angry feelings.  Changing the way you think is another way to manage anger.  Remind yourself that getting angry is not going to get you anywhere.  Logic can actually be used to defeat anger.  Most angry people tend to demand things such as fairness, appreciation, agreement, and the willingness to do things their way.  When those demands aren't met, the disappointment becomes anger.
When angry, do not say the first thing that comes into your head.  Try calming down and think carefully about what you want to say.  Listen carefully to what the other person is saying and take your time before answering.  It's natural to get defensive, especially when being criticized.  It really pays to listen to what's underlying the words.  The message may be that this person might feel neglected and unloved.

Please remember that anger cannot be eliminated.  Life is filled with frustration, pain, loss, and the unpredictable actions of others. That can't change; but you can change the way you let such events affect you. Controlling your angry responses can keep them from making you even more unhappy in the long run.  Remember, nobody looks beautiful when they are angry, it's just an expression used....

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