Sunday, September 22, 2013

2.1 THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO BE A GREAT BOSS: Building an Effective Team

(EXTRACTION FROM TEAM MANAGEMENT: Improving Team Effectiveness at
It is a challenge to reach the level of effectiveness when putting together a new team or even when developing an existing one.  Teamwork has a dramatic effect on organizational performance.  Nowadays it is almost impossible to avoid being a member of team.  So it's important to know your teamworking strengths and weaknesses.

Team Development
·        Team building requires due attention and care
·        development paths of team:
o   Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing
o   well thought out team orientation process
o   developing a clear team charter
·        improve people's performance by providing information
Participation and Articulating Vision
·        explore and understand the overall purpose and vision of the team
·        to see how their specific roles fit into the big picture
Managing Conflict
·        disagreement is actually part of the reason why teams can be so effective
·        understand the basics of conflict management
·        learn more about different styles and ways of thinking and working
Group Roles and Structure
·        capitalizes on natural differences and maximizes performance by putting the right people in the right roles
·        differences between how people work and view the world make for interesting conversations and dynamic teams
Team Member Development
·        build and foster the skills in the individuals that are congruent with the needs of the team
·        requires a solid understanding of training methods and ways of identifying the needs of the team members
Understanding and Collaboration
·        collaborate and understand the key issues facing the team
·        Consensus, consistency and agreement are vital for effective teamwork
Improving Team Effectiveness by Analyzing Daily Activity - DILO (Day In the Life Of)
DILO Analysis evaluates in detail the effectiveness of activities and gives a greater understanding of the roles that people play within an organization.  Sharing DILO information can help decide whether there are people you can delegate jobs to or ask for assistance.
DILO can also be used to:
      Identify what isn't getting done.
      Understand what is standing in the way of effectiveness.
      Identify future roles within the organization.
      Assist workforce planning and job design.
      Help develop job descriptions.
      Identify job enrichment opportunities.
      Determine how best to share resources.

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