Monday, June 9, 2014

6.1 THE STRATEGIST IN YOU: Unleashing Purpose

Executing Strategies at

Mission Statements and Vision Statements
Vision Statements and Mission Statements are the inspiring words chosen by successful leaders to clearly and concisely convey the direction of the organization.  "Mission Statements" and "Vision Statements" do two distinctly different jobs.
A Mission Statement
·        defines the organization's purpose and primary objectives
·        its prime function is internal – to define the key measure or measures of the organization's success
·        its prime audience is the leadership team and stockholders

Vision Statements
·        also define the organizations purpose, but in terms of the organization's values rather than bottom line measures (values are guiding beliefs about how things should be done)
·        communicates both the purpose and values of the organization
·        shared with customers, it shapes customers' understanding of why they should work with the organization

Mission Statement Creation
·        identify your organization's "winning idea"
o   will make the organization stand out from its competitors
o   the reason that customers will come to you and not your competitors
·        identify the key measures of your success
·        Combine winning idea and success measures into a tangible and measurable goal
·        Refine the words until you have a concise and precise statement of your mission, which expresses your ideas, measures and desired result
Vision Statement Creation
·        uncover the real, human value in that mission statement
·        identify what you, your customers and other stakeholders will value most about how your organization will achieve this mission
·        Distil these into the values that your organization has or should have
·        Combine your mission and values
·        polish the words until you have a vision statement inspiring enough to energize and motivate people inside and outside your organization

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