Star2, Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Teens & Tweens by Charis Patrick
- Walking right into parents’ bedroom
whenever without knocking.
- Changing TV channels whenever without
considering is anyone else is watching.
- Blaming others for own mistakes whenever something
does not go right.
- Can have controlling behaviour
- Can be motivated by guilt or anger
- More likely to be influenced by peers
- Don’t own their own behaviour or
consequences which can lead to life of turmoil
- May allow others to think for them
- May allow someone else to define the life
- Pick up others’ feelings
- May make it hard to tell where we end and
another person begins
- Recognize and respect teens and tweens
- Set own boundaries and have consequences
for crossing them
- Avoid controlling teens and tweens
- Give two choices
- Teach teens and tweens boundaries
- Recognize own physical boundaries and personal
- Request for proper treatment such ask
others to smoke away from your space
- Share opinions. Allow them to express opinions
- Teach on how to decide on choices you make
- Own up and take responsibility for when
things go wrong
- Accept your thoughts
- Discover own limits; emotion and physical