Tuesday, September 17, 2013


(EXTRACTION FROM LEADERSHIP SKILLS at http://www.mindtools.com)


Simply having the responsibilities of a leader doesn't necessarily make a person an effective leader.  Effective leaders can add value simply by being present on teams.  They are inspirational and motivating.  They know the right things to say to people to help them understand what's needed, and they can convince people to support a cause.

Personal Characteristics
Successful leaders tend to have certain traits.  Two keys areas of personal growth and development are fundamental to leadership success: self-confidence, and a positive attitude.  Self-confident people are usually inspiring.  A positive and optimistic person, who tries to make the best of any situation, will find it much easier to motivate people to do their best.  Being positive includes the need to develop a strong sense of balance, and recognize that setbacks and problems happen – its how you deal with those problems that make the difference.  Positive people approach situations realistically, prepared to make the changes necessary to overcome a problem.


Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize feelings; that of your own and those of others, and manage those emotions to create strong relationships.  Learning to develop Empathy, communicating effectively, and practicing Empathic Listening is essential for emotional intelligence.  It helps to really understand the other person's perspective.

Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is a leadership style where leaders create an inspiring vision of the future, motivate followers to achieve it, manage implementation successfully, and develop the members of the teams to be even more effective in the future.
Providing a Compelling Vision of the Future
Identify the challenges faced and identify the options available.
Motivating People to Deliver the Vision
Emphasize teamwork, and recognize that when people work together, they can achieve great things.
Being a Good Role Model
Good leaders lead by example. They "do what they say," and "say what they do."
Managing Performance Effectively
Set clear and concise expectations
Apply rules fairly and consistently.
Providing Support and Stimulation
Commit to developing the people.
People need to develop their skills, and feel supported in their efforts to do a good job.
Look for opportunities to match people with jobs and responsibilities that will help them grow and develop.
Emotional support is also important.

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