There’s always some reason when people depart from their
normal behavior. Some may become less
productive, or retreating from being with their fellow workers. Some may even feel that no one is interested
in them as human being, only trying to get work done out of them.
This out-of-character behavior can sometimes be caused by
bad circumstances within the workplace.
Bad behavior on the part of the manager (as the staff perceived it) may
lead to rebellion and usually it is muted on the part of the staffs. Managers faced with bad behavior should
always look honestly at themselves and see if they had a hand in provoking it.
One way of handling this out-of-character behavior besides
trying to get to know them better and understanding their situation, is a
change of job. It’s worth trying as
management saying goes, “putting the right person in the right place
at the right time.”
Shared from:
Maurice B. Line (2003), “Management Musings 10: Everyone can
be difficult at times”, Library Management, Vol. 24 Iss: 1 pp. 86-87