Wednesday, December 25, 2013


SHARED FROM:, Saturday, 21 December 2013
By Roshan Thiran, CEO of Leadernomics

Career planning is an individualistic process.  No two people are the same, have the same background, or have the same career aspiration.  Each of us is created distinctively different with differing ambitions and expectations.

Many people truly believe that their HR department is planning their careers.  People also believe that if they work hard and stay loyal, the company will take care of them, and somehow at the tail-end of our career they will be in a senior role.  Unfortunately, that was the world in the past where royalty was usually rewarded.

In today’s changing and evolving world, lack of career movement may indicate to the world that you have stagnated.  Many of us are letting things happen to us rather than making things happen for us.  We do have to take responsibility for our life.  Our future is too important to be left in the hands of others.  Do not let others define your future.  Take personal ownership of our careers.

1.      Begins with a goal
2.      Build a plan to achieve those goals
3.      Execute the plan
4.      Understand own strengths and development needs
5.      Develop a proactive action plan
6.      Ask for support and advice along the way
7.      Determine competencies, skills and expertise needed to achieve the career goals
8.      Attain the appropriate experience
9.      Stop blaming others

The growth and career destiny is solely your responsibility.  Take full responsibility for it.  There are many things in life that we have no control over.  Our career is not one of those.  We can be the ,aster of our careers, if only we take responsibility.

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