Thursday, July 31, 2014

25 keys to success in business and life

Innovation and being different will be the keys to success in business and life:
1.  Innovation and willingness to be different is the glue that ties team together
2.  Research well
3.  Good design is not enough, have a sense of purpose
4.  Ideas comes from places which ae unexpected and it doesn’t always come from the experts
5.  Don’t be a lone ranger; you need other people
6.  Learn from success, criticism and failure
7.  Businesses are built on values
8.  Need strong leadership to make things happen
9.  Need to understand the different roles
10.Need to know that each role comes with problems to the situation
11.Team need to be flexible and adaptable, and be able to change very quickly
12.Team members need to be able to listen to each other and work together
13.Customers are concern about what they paid for
14.Leaders have to think in advance and give space to others to perform
15.Team have to listen to each other and work together to achieve optimum performance
16.Harmony never comes from harmony.  Harmony comes from friction.
17.Decision making need to be fast and speedily implemented so that opportunity can be seized
18.Handle crisis, recognize and identify problems
19.Consider the nature of problem, analyze and develop possible solution
20.Select the best possible alternatives and execute it

You have two seconds to make and select the best possible solution,
And the rest of your life to live with the consequences

21.If the same thing don’t work the way they use to, change strategy
22.Being successful is all about details and teamwork

Talent wins games,
But teamwork wins champions

23.Each team member must know what to do.  Each has to understand his/her role and be able to interact with teammates effectively
24.Need self-confidence to make decisions
25.Trust yourself

In any moment of decision,
The best thing you can do is the right thing.
The next best thing is the wrong thing –
But the worst thing is not to make any decision at all,
And do nothing


Tips to inspire and motivate all accountants to rise beyond the ordinary and be the best they can be:
1.  Qualify as a professional
2.  Never stop learning
3.  Passion for knowledge is important to excel
4.  Technical skills must be complimented by soft skills, particularly communications
5.  Speak well and communicate ideas
6.  Gain insights on success and failure of businesses
7.  Soak up experiences
8.  Be prepared for the long haul
9.  Don’t shun social media
10.Recognize merit
11.Have trust in own abilities
12.Taking accountability for results that are meant to be delivered
13.Extend trust and accountability values to team
14.Empowering team and trusting them to get the jobs done
15.Give back generously
16.Share knowledge generously to upskill others
17.March to the beat of your own drum
18.Find a niche where you can shine
19.Strive to differentiate from others
20.Add value to your accounting degree
21.Don’t just become another brick in the wall