Wednesday, June 19, 2013

5 ways to beat an afternoon slump

There are better ways to beat an afternoon slump than a sugary treat you'll regret later.  Here are a few little tips anyone can do to keep from feeling like a zombie until dinnertime.
1.         Don't OD on caffeine
·         rely on mini-servings of caffeine throughout the day
2.         Take a lunchtime walk
·         Sunshine helps you wake up in the morning; likewise, a dose of natural light later in the day can blunt an energy dip.
·         Step outside for a short walk around noon, before you start feeling sluggish—the combination of sunlight and heart-pumping exercise can't be beat.
·         If you can't get outdoors, sitting next to a window and looking out is the next best thing.
3.         Avoid fat, sugar, and grease
·         Your brain uses glucose as fuel, so when your blood sugar takes a nosedive, your mental abilities plummet as well.
·         Make sure each meal contains a balance of whole grains, monounsaturated fats, and fruits and vegetables.
·         At snack time, instead of cookies or chips, opt for a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter for a dose of the energy-boosting minerals potassium and magnesium.
4.         Drink more water
·         "Half of the people who come to me complaining of fatigue are actually dehydrated," says Woodson Merrell, MD, executive director of the Continuum Center for Health and Healing at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.
·         Staying hydrated is one of the simplest ways to keep energized and focused. Aim to refill your glass every hour or two.
5.         Plop a plant in your office
·         A little dose of green can help wake up your brain. 
.     Texas A&M researchers found that volunteers who kept a vase of vibrant flowers on their desks, along with green plants elsewhere in the office, generated more creative ideas than those in a vegetation-free setting.

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