Tuesday, June 18, 2013

successful engagement through genuine interest

The people you are talking to may divulge more information if you put them at ease while giving them your undivided attention.
There is always a little magic in good conversations, regardless of whether it's an interview or a chat with someone.  Eye contact sounds like the simplest act to practice when speaking to someone, but don't be amazed at how easily distracted people can be.  Don't be mistaken, nodding in all the right places, giving appropriate responses and even making witty comebacks cannot replace genuine interest.

Being interested in someone is the key to successful engagement.  One of the elements in making small talks is to be able to actively listening.  Sometime our brain skips ahead to predict what the other person is going to say next, resulting in us missing what the person is actually saying at the moment.  Sometimes, in the haste of to make a great impression we may end up blundering clumsily thus saying the wrong thing.  Everyone has a different tolerence and viewpoint on the ,ost taboo of subjects, so trying to second guess what you should or shouldn't say is futile.  Active listening will heighten the chance to give the right response.

The one thing that cannot be denied is that we love talking about ourselves. Everybody is entitled to choose who they want to spend time with, and it's perfect;y fine when it comes to friendship.  But engaging on a business level, the main objective is to foster trust and goodwill.  It is important to realize that successful engagement does not rely on how wonderfully we juggle or manage a conversation.  It's about what the other person is telling you and how they feel.  if you don't care enough to be genuinely interested, people will notice when interest is feigned.

There are many things that we can and must do to succeed in life, but if we can master the simple act of being fully engaged in listening during a conversation. we are already on our way to success.
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you
Dale Carnegie,
Author of How to wins friends and influence people

StarMetro, Wednesday 19 June 2013
SIGHT & SOUNDS by Xandra Ooi
Be Sincere When Listening

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