Thursday, August 2, 2018

SPEAK TO THE PROBLEMS 5.2: Unblocking Bottlenecks; Fixing Unbalanced Processes

Improving Business Processes at

 Image result for bottleneck

What is a Bottleneck?
A bottleneck in a process occurs when input comes in faster than the next step can use it to create output.

There are two main types of bottlenecks:
·       Short-term bottlenecks – These are caused by temporary problems.
·       Long-term bottlenecks – These occur all the time.

Identifying and fixing bottlenecks is highly important. They can cause a lot of problems in terms of lost revenue, dissatisfied customers, wasted time, poor-quality products or services, and high stress in team members.

Signs of bottlenecks:
·       Long wait times
·       Backlogged work
·       High stress levels.

Two tools are useful in helping to identify bottlenecks:

1. Flow Charts
·       to help identify where bottlenecks are occurring
·       break down a system by detailing every step in the process in an easy-to-follow diagrammatic flow
·       much easier to see where there might be a problem

2. The Five Whys Technique
·       identify the problem to address
·       working backward, ask why the problem is occurring
·       Keep asking "Why?" at each step, until the root cause is reached

Key Points
·       Bottlenecks can cause major problems for any company, and identifying their root causes is critical.
·       Look for the typical signs of bottlenecks – such as backlogged work, waiting (by people, materials, or paperwork), and high stress relating to a task or process.
·       To make sure you identify the root cause (and not just one of the effects), use a Flow Chart or the Five Whys technique.

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