Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mindful listening

Ozum Ucok, Transparency, communication and mindfulness;
Journal of Management Development Vol. 25 No. 10, 2006 pp. 1024-1028
Directions for mindful listening shared from Ozum Ucok, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, USA:
  • Begin by bringing your attention to your breathing and to your body
  • Follow your breath as it enters and leaves your body
  • Notice how your breath moves in your body
  • Practice this for a couple minutes or until your mind starts to get quiet
  • Acknowledge how your body feels
  • As you exhale, release the tension and relax your body
  • Relax your jaw, your face, shoulders
  • Place one hand on your chest and other on your belly.  This helps to maintain your awareness on your breath
  • Now you are ready to listen
  • As you listen, keep connected to your breath
  • Whenever a thought comes up, acknowledge it as a thought and come back to your breath and listening
  • If you find strong emotions coming up as you listen which make listening difficult, acknowledge the emotion, breathe and come back to listening
  • If you notice that you were lost in thought for a while and were distracted, just notice it; gently come back to your breath and to the listening practice
  • stay with your breath, to stay present, and to receive
  • Provide minimal verbal feedback to maintain the conversation and focus mostly on nonverbal feedback
  • With repeated practice, you will find that it becomes easier to stay present and attentive

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