Thursday, February 26, 2015

Overcome biggest hurdle to effective meetings

The Art Of Meeting
Disengaged people are probably the single biggest hurdle to effective meetings.  Dead expressions, drooping eye-lids distracted minds and dull responses are some of the signs.  Boring meeting kill enthusiasm, curb creativity, dampen problem solving and limits retention of information.  Ways to inject life into the otherwise lifeless event are:

1.        Ice breakers
·         Through food everyone can be connected and build trust and ideas
·         To provide low stress environment that can encourage voicing out idea more freely.

2.       Walking Meetings
·         Bringing meeting outside will enable people to relax more and are more likely to speak their mind.

3.       Name Game.
·         Make the indoor lively
·         Rebranding meeting rooms

4.       Happy meals
·         Research have suggested that sparking good mood in the workplace promotes expansive thinking.
·         Starting a meeting with food helps people ease into the meeting without feeling they’re crushing into it.

Encouraging informality at the beginning of the meeting opens up a whole new world of communication channel.  That’s what we want out of meetings: people to talk, participate and offer their thoughts, idea and commitments.

                                                                                                Shared From  
                                                                                                Accountants Today
                                                                                                September/October 2014

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