Monday, November 25, 2013

8.10 THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO BE A GREAT BOSS: Providing an Inspiring Place to Work

(EXTRACTION FROM TEAM MANAGEMENT: Rewarding And Engaging People at

When your work space is inviting, energizing, and fun, it's easy for people to bring their "hearts and souls" to work.  They're more engaged, inspired, productive, and committed.  Creating an energizing work environment can benefit almost all groups of professionals, especially knowledge workers and those doing creative work.  An energized work environment includes:
·        office layout and color.
·        quality of people's relationships
·        organizational culture
·        leadership

Finding Deeper Meaning in a Job
Your job exists for a reason.  On an individual level, people who understand their job's wider purpose are happier, more engaged, and more creative.  It's essential to realize that every job provides a service to someone else.
Helping Your Team Find Purpose
Write a Meaningful Mission Statement
·        identify customers' needs
·        the ways in which the organization will meet them
·        how success will be measured
Link Personal Drivers With Team or Organizational Goals
·        help them understand what really drives them
·        encourage each team member to reflect on how they can connect their motivations with the goals of the organization
·        link your team members' personal goals to those of your organization
Uncover Strengths
·        Encourage team members to explore their strengths
·        uncover the tasks and responsibilities that bring them the greatest happiness and
Build a Positive Work Environment
·        positive working environment brings out the best in everyone
·        give your team the chance to be the best that they can be
·        help people build good work relationships
·        encourage them to socialize before meetings, or outside work
·        Give people more autonomy over their work
·        provide learning and career development opportunities
·        Promote values such as integrity, honesty, and humility by praising employees who demonstrate them
Use Feedback to Boost Positivity
·        Positive feedback is a highly effective motivator
·        Provide regular feedback
·        share stories from customers or clients that show how your team is making a positive difference

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