Sunday, November 24, 2013

8.4 THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO BE A GREAT BOSS: Learning why "Thank You" is so Vital

(EXTRACTION FROM TEAM MANAGEMENT: Rewarding And Engaging People at
Business experts always stress about the importance to reward team.  It’s equally important to take the time to find out how your team would really like to be recognized.  Sometimes people want a sincere "thank you" or a day off to spend with their families.  Some leaders avoid the practice, perhaps because:
·        showing appreciation undermines their authority
·        to avoid stirring up jealousy
·        they don't have the time to do it
·        they feel embarrassed praising people openly

The most successful leaders are those who recognize and reward their team's efforts.  It builds trust and strengthens loyalty as well.  Teams will have strong bonds with their leader.  One of the best ways to keep these talented people is to make sure that their hard work is appreciated.  Learn how your team would like to be recognised.

The return on appreciation is huge.  Workers who feel appreciated are twice more likely to stay at a company than those who don't feel appreciated.  Just make sure you're sincere about why you thank people.  Don't rush the "thank you" while you're on your way somewhere else.  These small gestures cost nothing except a few seconds of your time, but their payoff is enormous.

"Thank You" Tips
·        Be consistent
·        Be specific
·        Know your people
·        Make the reward relevant

Ideas for Rewarding Your Team
·        Offer flexible scheduling – not everyone needs, or wants, to be in the office at 8:00 a.m. Or, you could offer telecommuting days.
·        Send handwritten thank-you notes when someone goes above and beyond the requirements of the job.
·        Create "free day" coupons that a worker could use for a free day off – no questions asked – without using vacation or sick time.
·        Take your team out to lunch – and then, as a last-minute surprise, give them the rest of the day off.
·        Give out "lazy Monday" coupons to allow a team member one "free" Monday morning off.
·        If you e-mail a team member to say thank you, consider copying that message to YOUR boss.

Show your appreciation and, at the same time, you'll strengthen the bond between you and your team.  The great thing about these gestures is that they'll probably be remembered far longer than any bonus check.

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