Monday, March 3, 2014

Creative vision

Successful people have the tendency to do the impossible.  They are unafraid of criticism and possess the ‘dare-to-do spirit’.  This trait is known as ‘creative vision’.  ‘Creative vision’ is the capacity to envision new possibilities, dream new dreams, and tap into the vast powers of the universe that permit you to build a new tomorrow.  Locked deep within us in a vast reservoir of creative ability and intuitive insights waiting to be released.

Creative vision deals with ideas that can help you tap your inner resources.  The imagination component of our mind is described as the ‘workshop of the soul’ where all plans for individual achievement is shaped.

Imagination is the soil in which creative effort blooms.  Imagination is also the key to all individuals’ achievements, the mainspring of all human behavior, and the door leading to the inner-self.  All achievements begin as a thought idea which later must be translated into its physical equivalent

Creative vision is inspired by a defined major purpose and a host of other success principles.  It is a quality of mind belonging to people who follow the habit of going the extra mile, where monetary compensation is not its highest aim.

Creative vision may be an inborn quality of the mind, or it may be an acquired quality.  There are two (2) types of imagination:
1.    Synthetic imagination consists of a combination of already existing recognized ideas, concepts, plan or facts arranged in a new order or put to a new use.
2.    Creative imagination has its base in the subconscious section of the mind          and serves as a medium by which new facts or ideas are revealed through the faculty of the sixth sense.

Although imagination is the forerunner of creative vision, it is important to realize that the application of other success principles remains vital.  These include:
1.                Need to have a definite major purpose
2.                Going the extra mile
3.                Applied faith
4.                Mastermind alliance
5.                Personal initiative
6.                Enthusiasm
7.                Persistence

Imagination inspires creation, the use of personal initiatives and creates enthusiasm.  It also gives you the will to try again.  It is as one of the ingredients of achievement.

1. Spend considerable time collecting ideas
2. Play; do not work at generating ideas
3. Write down good ideas
4. Do not strain for ideas
5. Take a walk, meditate, and take a nap
6. Involve mind in some other distraction

People with creative vision know that success only comes by helping others succeed.  It is not necessary for another person to fail so that they may succeed.  They are not afraid to make mistakes and to accept responsibility for them.  They never try to shift that responsibility to another.  Creative vision inspires the development of personal initiative which is a guiding force of great importance to personal achievements.

Christina Chia
Management: Imagination Triggers Creativity

Malaysia Business, May 1 2001

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