Thursday, March 6, 2014

Regardless of whatever you like your job, you can do it extremely well

In every company, there are always a few outstanding individuals whom you will notice and be impressed by.  Unfortunately, this situation highlights how mediocre everyone else seems to be in comparison.  It would do us much good to emulate the Japanese people’s untiring commitment to customer service.  In Japan, there is no one that comes across as better than the rest.  They operate on the same level of efficiency and helpless.

When you do something your boss asks, you are not showing initiative.  That’s simply doing your job.  The Japanese seem to have supernatural observational skills.  They don’t seem to have a problem with doing more.  The Japanese are very energetic.  What we have to emulate here is that we don’t have to faster to be brisk.  What can be done are:
·         inject some urgency in our movements
·         have a sense of purpose
·         do work or ask efficiently and to the best of abilities
·         take pride in what you do
·         take great responsibilities for what most of us would see as ‘just’ a job
·         regardless of whatever you like your job, you can do it extremely well

A human being can do multiple things at one time and very skilled at all of them without being stressed.  Quality of work improves when there is recognition and appreciation from customers or superiors.  Be like the Japanese, where they give their best regardless of whatever they are appreciated or recognized.  They performed any task to the best of their ability.

When people like you, they will want to do more for you.

Xandria Ooi
Sights and Sounds: Never fear hard work

StarMetro: 12 February 2014

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