Wednesday, November 14, 2012



1. Care about people.
If you don’t genuinely care about people, they won’t care about you.  The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.  Love and kindness begets love and kindness.
2. Make others feel good.
People will rarely remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
3. Be honest and take ownership of your actions.
Nobody likes a liar.  In the long-run, the truth always reveals itself anyway.  Either you own up to your actions or your actions will ultimately own you.
4. Smile often.
Everyone likes the sight of a genuine smile.  Think about how you feel when a complete stranger looks into your eyes and smiles.  Suddenly they don’t seem like a stranger anymore.
5. Respect elders.  Respect minors.  Respect everyone.
There are no boundaries or classes that define a group of people that deserve to be respected.  Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother.  People will notice your kindness.
6. Address people by their name.
People love the sight and sound of their own name.  So make sure you learn to remember names.  Use them courteously in both oral and written communication.
7. Say “Please” and “Thank you.”
These two simple phrases make demands sound like requests, and they inject a friendly tone into serious conversations.  Using them can mean the difference between sounding rude and sounding genuinely grateful.
8. Help others when you’re able.
In life, you get what you put in.  When you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you also make a positive impact in your own life.  Do something that’s greater than you – something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less.  Everyone values the gift of unexpected assistance and those who supply it.
9. Put a small personal touch on everything you do.
If you’re funny, add a little humour into it.  If you’re an artist, decorate it with illustrations.  Whatever you do, customize it with a little personal touch of ‘you.’
10. Share knowledge and information with others.
Be a resource to those around you.  If you have access to essential information, don’t hoard it.  Share it openly.
11. Listen intently to what others have to say.
Eyes focused, ears tuned, mobile phone off.  In a world that can’t move fast enough, someone who can find time to listen to others is always appreciated.
12. Appreciate and love Mother Nature.
Those who truly appreciate and love the natural world surrounding us typically exhibit the same high regard for all humanity.  It’s a positive way to live, and it’s something people notice.
13. Perform random acts of kindness on a regular basis.
Pay for a stranger’s coffee in line.  Buy the office receptionist flowers just to say, “Thank you.”  Help an elderly lady with her groceries.  There’s nothing more rewarding than putting smiles on the faces around you.
14. Compliment people who deserve it.
Go out of your way to personally acknowledge and complement the people who have gone out of their way to shine.  Everybody likes to hear that their efforts are appreciated.
15. Make eye contact and speak clearly.
Mystery does not fuel strong relationships and impressiveness.  Also, there’s little doubt that eye contact is one of the most captivating forms of personal communication.  When executed properly, eye contact injects closeness into human interaction.
16. Make yourself available and approachable.
If people cannot get a hold of you, or have trouble approaching you, they will forget about you.  Your general availability and accessibility to others is extremely important to them.  Always maintain a positive, tolerant attitude and keep an open line of communication to those around you.

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