Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Credit: all4desktop.com

Stress and business go hand in hand.  High-pressure situations can certainly be motivating.  But too much pressure can be emotionally and physically damaging.

Well-being in the work place has been a hot topic for a while, as employers search for ways to disrupt stale corporate habits and help staff stay focused and engaged in a world where it’s impossible to switch-off.  For some people, achieving work life balance depends on adhering to a strict routine: Eat, Sleep, exercise, repeat.

Flexibility is important for entrepreneurs.  You can never be certain what tomorrow will throw at you, so the ability to adapt and prioritise in incredibly important.  When a challenge presents itself, disrupting your plans, you need to be able to assess its importance and reorganize your to-do list accordingly.  While every entrepreneur needs to be able to multi-task, constantly shifting focus isn’t always productive.

Prioritise your workload and delegate if you can.  When starting your business solo, you’ll be doing a number of jobs.  That’s a lot of pressure.  This is where it is important to have fun.  In order to be refreshed and ready to take on any challenge, you must find time for play.

Devoting time to the things that make you happy will foster a positive attitude and help you tackle stressful challenges.  Having fun isn’t a reward for hard work – it’s your responsibility and your job to find time to laugh every day.  Ditch any guilt you might feel about stopping work and schedule time for enjoying yourself in your planner.  Make the relaxation time a priority, particularly in the mornings.  It helps clear mind and energises for the day a head.

You are far more likely to succeed if you are enjoying yourself.  Just make sure you play as hard as you work, if not harder.

Shared From Q & A by:
Richard Branson
SMEBIZ, Monday
11 May 2015

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