Sunday, October 27, 2013

4.1 THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO BE A GREAT BOSS: Finding the Best People For Your Team


In theory, recruitment is simple.  In reality, it is more than just the process of ‘picking the best’.  Recruitment mistakes leads to:
·        waste time, money, and organizational resources, and
·        they can really hold a team back
Effective recruitment matters because:
1.    The right people in the right roles will be more productive
2.   A poor hiring decision may cause stress and conflict within your team
3.   You'll save time and resources

Creating a New Role
Hiring a team member at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons can cost you time, and waste money.  There are several factors that do not justify a permanent addition to your team:
·        Seasonal increases in workload
·        One-time or unusual projects - consider using contractors to meet this temporary change in staffing requirements.
·        Sick or vacationing team members
·        Complaining staff members

Justify creating a new job in your organization:
·        Consistent work overload
·        Regular use of contractors
·        Improvements in the economy
·        Time spent on tasks that don't need your expertise
·        Analyse the hidden costs as well as the more obvious costs

Creating a new role
Hire in advance
·        hiring in advance allows training of new people before workloads increase, so that quality levels can be maintained
·        risky, because if the expected increase in workload doesn't actually materialize, then you'll be overstaffed
Wait until the need is obvious
·        will have to recruit and train during a very busy time
·        will risked upsetting existing staff because they're overworked and stressed
Compromise with a "halfway" plan
·        Hire someone part time

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