Thursday, October 17, 2013

When a lady boss plays tough, It’s strictly professional

StarMetro, Friday, 18 October 2013
Different Spins by Ben Ibrahim
to be a progressive society, we must first stop judging lady bosses harshly if they play tough

Our parents have always taught us that with a good education and hard work, we can achieve almost anything in our career.  Today, we have more choices than resources.  Societal thinking has changed for the better.  Gone are the days where women are not allowed to go to school, vote, and drive or even compete at sports carnival.  The word equality is preached by many organizations.

Discrimination happens everywhere. We just have to learn not to do it and how to manage it if it happens to us or to the people who are close to us.  One discrimination issue that still exist within the workforce is the infamous invisible ‘glass ceiling’ where women can’t get promoted because of their gender.

There are situations where some women changed their identity to break through the ‘glass-ceiling’.  To be a boss you have to be tough and pushy at times and raise your voice.  But when a woman do raise their voice and get tough, peers judge them harshly.  It boils down to personal choice.

To be a progressive society, we need to change our mind-set.  Regardless of gender, if bosses get a bit rough and tough, it’s because they are the boss and their gender has nothing to do with it.  We have already placed a lot on our women.  We want them to look after the home and children, but let’s also give them a chance to look after their jobs and careers.

When a lady boss plays tough, it’s strictly professional and all about work.  If bosses were nice all the time, then she is not being the boss.  It has to be done if we want to get things done and hit our numbers and targets.

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