Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mindset and practices to be an outstanding individu

               Relationships are so perfect when they begin.  That’s life.  When you are a kid, everything seems possible.  As an adult, you realize that the sky isn’t the limit, it’s the amount of work put in, or the lack there of, that limits us.

            Most times, the notion of following our dreams sounds fantastic.  To get started, it takes guts with lots of faith and passion thrown in.  It takes plain hard work to make a dream successful.  The time taken to master a skill is the longest part of any task, and usually, the least exciting.

                Following dream is every different from following through with it.  How we perceive work and our attitude towards it, is often the deciding factor between being a mediocre and an outstanding individual.

To be an outstanding individual, we need to have the following mindset and practice:
1.        Always be in a competition
                        -           With yourself
                        -           having initiative
                        -           doing more than required
                        -           always trying to top our own game
                        -           competing against old ideas to give it a fresh take
                        -           be more efficient
2.        Keep doing the ordinary
                        -           noting is mundane if we don’t see it that way
3.        Be going – ho
                        -           in life, there is always going to be an unknown factor
-           one of the biggest signs of mediocrity is saying ‘’cannot’’ before we ever try

Xandria Ooi
Sights and Sound:  Be going-ho, not ho-hum

Star Metro, Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Mutiara Kata Kejayaan

Share: Mutiara Kata Kejayaan Datuk Dr. Maznah Hamid

1.       4 perkara amalan budiman adalah
          -         menjauhkan cakap kosong
          -         menjauhkan tangan daripada mengganggu
          -         cepat memberikan penghargaan
          -         lambat menjatuhkan tuduhan

2.       Seseorang yang bergelar pakar adalah yang banyak pengetahuan tentang kekurangan bukannya banyak pengetahuan tentang kelebihan.

3.       Kurang ilmu boleh ditambah, kurang pandai boleh belajar, tetapi kurang kejujuran, payah dan sukar untuk dipelajari kecuali dengan kemahuan dan kemampuan yang luar biasa.

4.       Pandanglah segala sesuatu dari kacamata orang lain.  Apabila hal itu menyakiti hatimu, sangat mungkin hal itu menyakitkan hati orang lain pula.

5.       Selalu kita menyangka yang di tangan orang indah dan menawan; apa yang di tangan sendiri sentiasa kelam.  Selalu kita meletakkan impian yang muluk-muluk pada kepunyaan orang sedangkan orang turut terliur dengan apa yang kita miliki.

6.       Sifat peribadi yang kukuh adalah aset kita yang paling hebat kerana ia kuasa           yang membolehkan kita berhadapan dengan kecemasan.

7.       I am a strong person, but every once in a while, I would like someone to take my hand and tell me that everything’s going to be alright.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Life lessons for all ages

credit :

11 Life Lessons That Are True At Any Age
Quit chasing
There's a difference between pursuing your goals and being in a constant state of chase.  Things will happen when they’re meant to. Do the best you can each day and be OK with it, knowing that as long as you're moving, your path will unfold.
Don’t be concerned with what others think
Care versus concern.  Big difference.  You’re human.  Not everyone will like you.  Don’t be consumed with what other people think. Remember, it’s only their version of your story.
Dream big, often, and awake.
Don’t be afraid to dream, no matter how big or ridiculous you may think your aspirations are. You're painting your life. Never do it by numbers. Splash. Color outside the lines.
If you’re rich, remember that man makes the money. Money doesn’t make the man.
Know that you're a special blend.
Everything that’s happened to you is what makes you rare and unique.  Know the value of yourself.  Your story makes you rare.
Be kind.
Treat everyone as if they are your brother or sister.  If you don’t like someone, always look inward first.  Hate is wasted energy that will only poison you.  Banish it from your life.
Practice forgiveness and gratitude
Make a conscious effort to forgive all the people who have hurt you.  People think forgiving is one act, but it’s an on-going process.  Forgiveness and gratitude, both muscles.  Exercise them.
If you’re single, embrace it. Don’t soak or wallow.
Love hard or not at all.
Practice transparency.

By John Kim
January 22, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Things You Need To Know About Soy


10 Things You Need To Know About Soy
Soy feed is the major ingredient in modern animal feed
·        a significant and inexpensive source of protein for animal feeds
·        US produced over 90 million tons of soy in 2011, making it the largest soy producer in the world
It's estrogen-like
·        soy contains isoflavones, which are similar to estrogen
·        isoflavones may act like estrogen, they can block the more potent natural estrogens from binding to the estrogen receptor
It may contribute to breast cancer
Soy may affect your thyroid especially if you are already hypothyroid
·        soy is a goitrogen
·        it can slow thyroid function, and sometimes, trigger thyroid disease if taken in large quantities
Most soy is GMO
·        93% of all soy in the US is genetically modified
It is often highly processed
Soy is a complete protein
·        are considered as being almost equivalent in protein quality to animal proteins
Soybean oil is processed with Hexane
Soybean provide a large amount of protein with moderate amounts of fat
·        100g of soy contains 173 calories, with 9 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbs (6 of which are fiber) and 17 grams of protein
Soy has been eaten in Asian countries for thousands of years

By Dr. Amy Shah
 January 22, 2014

Take note of little things

Tiny little things are ignored,
But the devil really is in the detail.

Insanity is doing the same thing
time and time again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
Malcom Gladwell, author of ‘The Story of Success’ notes that most people just do things, sometimes without ever stopping and thinking.  It basically points to the fact that most of us go through the rigmarole of fulfilling what has been asked of us without much thinking involved.  With a lot of practice, some measure of learning and improving must be added.

The problem these days is that obsession with obtaining quick success takes precedence over the importance of reflecting and improving.  Success gained through patience lasts longer and doesn’t fade overnight.

Success is a few simple disciplines practices every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated everyday
-Jim Rohn,
Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Personal Development Coach

K. Livingeshan
Open Season:  Does Practice Make Perfect

The Star, Monday, 27 January 2014


Hakikatnya, manusia tidak sempurna.  Seharusnya manusia perlu berusaha melakukan sesuatu dengan sesempurna yang mungkin.  Manusia perlu ada kesedaran, walaupun ada kalanya cubaan sedaya upaya telah dilakukan, namun hasilnya tidak seperti yang diharapkan.

Kita perlu terima hakikat yang fitrah manusia tidak sunyi daripada melakukan kesilapan, lalai dalam perlaksanaan dan adalah insan yang tidak sempurna.  Manusia perlu menerima hakikat kelemahan ini dengan hati yang terbuka.

Kita diberi pilihan untuk menentukan bagaimana sesuatu keadaan diatasi.  Dalam masa kita mengharapkan kesempurnaan, pada masa yang sama kita harus menerima kekurangan dan masalah orang lain.

Untuk mendapatkan kesempurnaan, kita perlu tahu cara untuk menegur kesilapan.  Teguran boleh mengakibatkan:
1.     Kesanggupan untuk berubah
2.     Menjadi kurang / tidak berkesan kerana tidak suka cara ditegur.  Walaupun dia    tahu kesilapannya.
3.     Rasa tidak mendapat bimbingan sewajarnya untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yang sempurna.

Untuk mencapai kesempurnaan, manusia perlu ada sikap memberi dan menerima; iaitu kesediaan memberi tunjuk ajar di samping menerima kelemahan seseorang.  Kedudukan bukan tiket untuk mendabik dada; dan ilmu bukan milik kita seorang sahaja.  Ada kalanya merendah diri perlu supaya hasil yang diinginkan dapat dicapai.

Jangan abaikan komunikasi dan ‘sentuhan kemanusiaan’.  Jangan asyik marah atau mengkritik.  Berilah tunjuk ajar sebagai langkah ke arah perubahan.  Anak kalau tidak diajar, tentu tidak tahu salah betul.  Cermin diri sendiri untuk memberikan refleksi terbaik dan sempurna untuk kebaikan semua.

Berita Harian 2,  Famili

Berita Harian, Isnin, 27 Januari 2014

When we were young...

When your teens start to find you not so cool any more, act out and don’t spare them the blushes.
When our children are young, they think the world of us.  We are their everything, their superheroes, their A to Z.  But as they grow up, they see that we have feet of clay after all.  Nobody is perfect.  Not us, neither them.

When young, our children might embarrass us by blurting out family secrets, or with childlike innocence said something embarrassing out loud.  By the time they reach their teens, the tables are turned and they become easily embarrassed by the things we say or do.

Those days were when they were young and does not even understand the difference between what to tell, and what is to be kept between families.  But as they grow up, we need to teach them those rules of the thumb.

Here are a few tips on to how to get along with our teenagers:
1.       Try not to dress in a way they don’t like.
2.       Avoid posting uninvited comments or inappropriate photos on Facebook
3.       Do not behave in ways that annoy them
4.       Avoid being overly affectionate with them
5.       Do not call them by their get name in front of their friend
7.       Avoid acting their age when they are with their friends.

Lydia Teh
Family the Time:
Playing Tit For Tat
Family Ties,
The Sun on Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Success means different things to different people.  It may mean financial independence, more time to enjoy friends and family, and a low-stress lifestyle.  Only a handful of people truly willing to walk through fire to achieve success.


1.  Willing to do what you hate and love it in the end.
  • In business and life, there is no shortage of task and responsibilities that no one enjoys.
  • Learn to overcome fears
  • The activities and responsibilities that you dread, but are necessary for your business may end up becoming some of your most treasured opportunities

2.   Learn to keep going despite not wanting to
  • No one wakes up on the right side of the bed every single morning
  • There are bound to be days when you simply can’t get motivated and don’t fell like putting in the effort
  • You must put in the time if you wish to reap the reward
  • Things will inevitably turn around, leaving you a ‘stronger’, more focused person
  • Successful people go all the way, no excuses

3.  Learn to fall in love with boring activities
  • Building a business is definitely not all glitz and glamour
  • There are plenty of things that are downright boring
  • Success is really all about doing the same things over and over, and mastering them
  • Expertise comes from repetition, and despite being bored, doing the same thing over and over until it becomes effortless
  • What you views as boring and mundane is skilled knowledge and expertise to your customer

4.  Be humble and recognize that you know nothing
  • It is important to realize that there is always someone who has been there before and is above you now, regardless of your position or rank in life or business
  • Recognizing this and being humble about your knowledge and your capabilities is the first step in accepting that there is always more to learn
  • Personal growth comes from accepting continued education
  • Setting stretch goal, embracing continuous learning and aiming higher is a core element of success

5.  Point the finger at yourself
  • One of the most important and difficult lessons is the ability to hold yourself accountable
  • The truth is sometimes harder but always the better path
  • The most successful people accept the fact that they are the main factor for the circumstances in their life
  • When things go wrong, go out and fix it, learning from the experience
  • It’s through accountability and learning from mistakes that you will be able to transform negatives into positives

Pam Siow
Are You Cut Out To Be Successful
Entrepreneurship Insight

Metro Biz 21 January 2014