Thursday, January 23, 2014

Food is not your best friend

          People sometimes turn to food when they are unable to cope with the overwhelming emotions and deep sense of loneliness.  Food offered them comfort when they are hurting.  Food became an escape from pain.  It was a distraction from loneliness and rejection.

          Children with access body weight suffer painful growing up years as they have to put up with a lot of teasing and unkind remarks.  Even though some words may meant well with the aim for them to control their eating binges, the spoken words, most of the time, slipped like a knife into the children’s little heart without us realizing it.

          Many people are hungry emotionally.  Many of us are starved of love and acceptances, filled that void with different things.  Some turn to men or women.  Others turn to various forms of addiction.  There are also those who hurt themselves.  Those who turn to food see food as an escape.  Food was no longer meant to satisfy physical hunger.  Emotionally, these people shut down and withdrew from people.

          Not everybody is overweight due to over-eating or lack of control.  There are those who have a medical or psychological condition.

          We rant so much about how inner beauty is more important than external beauty.  But, how often have we stereotyped or judged someone based on their looks and dress size.  Negative stereotypes can have adverse effects on those who are suffering from body image issues.  While each individual is different and binge eating is only one unhealthy way to deal with negativity, but still, the pressure to confirm to society’s expectations can result in a sense of inadequate.

          Many individuals who binge on food have tried to attain what is considered the ideal body weight.  Their inability to achieve a desired might causes them to feel inadequate.  For those who struggle with binge eating, learn to listen to what you are craving for.  Love and acceptance should come from deep within.  There will always be people who will reject you.  Knowing God’s unconditional love will teach you to accept yourself for what you are.

          Learn to care for your body because you deserve the best treatment that you can give to yourself.  Do not attempt to escape from pain with food.  Start building healthy connections with the people around you.  Food is not your best friend.  It may seem a loyal partner that is always present in times of need, but it doesn’t look out for your best interests.  Strong interpersonal relationships are crucial in helping to break the cycle of loneliness.

Jasmine Chua
Beyond barriers:  Feeding a hungry heart.
Star 2, Thursday, 23 January 2014

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