Thursday, August 22, 2013


You have to determine whether you want to be liked or respected for your work.  Most people want both; to be liked and also to be respected.  But when a choice has to be made, it is better to have the respect rather than liked because:
  1. Nice is not enough where being too agreeable, passive and overly compassionate may have negative impact on how you are being judge or assessed for promotion or for working on prime assignments.
  2. Professional respect will evoke a positive feeling of esteem.  This will create an image of professional persona where you will be perceived as indispensable at work and be the subject matter expert.  Professional respect will distinguish you from your peers.
  3. Trumped on relationships you build or break, on friends or enemies.  The whole objectives is to make few enemies as possible even tough there’ll be a moment in time when you’ll not be represented by the quality of your work but rather by the relationship you have.  Remember that most of the time; the person with very good relationship is going to be the one who gets to be recognized.  In the ever connected world of today, every person counts.  He or she may be your boss today, but tomorrow or in the future, he or she may become your customer.  Thus, respect is the most important key in maintaining the required professional relationships.
  4. Earn more respect from people by training them so they treat you with respect and dignity.  Take the responsibility to shape other’s behavior and teach them how you wish to be treated.  Being too nice is not enough to command the respect of others.
  5. Self-confidence is empowering but remember not to be aggressive.  Your persona of respect can cause a positive ripple effect in your organization.

When a person is being respected at work, people will enjoy being around that person.  Thus, professional relationship will be foster and at the same time keeping the need to be liked.
Respect not only others, but respect also yourself.  Respect is usually accorded to those who conduct themselves with dignity.  A few steps to earn respect:
  1. Presenting yourself well including good grooming and dress neatly.  Clothes need not be expensive.  This also includes taking care of health and personal hygiene.
  2. Greeting people in proper and friendly manner.  Positive and happy greeting makes every person feel wonderful.  It shows personalize attention and makes them feel special.
To earn respect, you must also respect yourself by:
  1. Having confidence
  2. Trying to be optimistic and overcome your obstacle.  Then you’ll be able to lead a happier live and be an encouragement to others.
  3. Respecting yourself and others around you by keeping your surrounding clean.
  4. Stating your boundaries.

Some basic common courtesy are:
  1. Use clean and respectable language.  Always say positive things about others.
  2. Never bully or take advantage of other people’s weaknesses.
  3. Give chance to everybody and don’t prejudice people even if you know that someone is a jerk.
  4. Keep your promises and try not to make promises you can’t keep.
  5. Try to see other people’s side of the story and keep your cool.
  6. Do not act like a know-it-all.  Remember that the wisest people in the world are those who acknowledge how little they do know, for there is so much yet to be discovered.
  7. Be a good role model.
  8. Be yourself.
  9. Do not be overly materialistic.
  10. Do not procrastinate because people respect action.

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