Saturday, January 5, 2013


6.   Personality diversity is good for the Team.  A good team should have a good component of members.  Members with different thinking, different background, different skills, and different personality.  But the usual almost always happen where the outspoken, the one with different ides, the one that gives different opinions are not invited as part of the team.  Differences are good in order to have a well thought project.

7.   Ability to work together is a good start to build a Team.  everybody must be a team-player.  No one person should dominate the team.  Every person counts.  Every idea should be discussed.

8.   Give credit where its due.  Accept all ideas and prioritize them accordingly.  Everybody is important and is chosen based on criteria that has been predetermined earlier.  Thus every idea counts.  Every person need to contribute no matter how stupid it may sound as we all know that 'on paper' and real implementation are two different thing.
9.   Get to know everybody in the Team.  Receive team members with and open mind.  No prejudgment, no prejudice.  Do not judge a book by it's cover, never judge a cook by his dishes.  Have a good ice-breaking sessions.  People work better together when they know they are among friends.
10.    Participation in Team is very important.  No one idea is superior than the other.  No one person can have the final say.  Consensus, consensus, and consensus.  Everybody has a say in everything concerning the project.  All idea should be considered before being shot down.  All must be fair in a team.


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