Saturday, January 5, 2013


11.   Listen really good to everybody's opinion and ideas. People get frustrated because bosses don't do enough listening to when they need the bosses to listen to.  But of course we all know that most bosses don't have a good listening skill,  They only hear what they want to hear,  But what bosses didn't know is that if they don't listen enough to their people, the less they will know whats going about in the organization.
12.   Proper guidance.  Nobody say working is ever easy.  But nobody should work without proper guidance.  Parameters and vision should be the job of top management, instead, only statements are given.  Statements that nobody can pave the path towards it....  So instead of going straight, most will go the long  and winding way...
13.   Admitting mistakes is one of the things that nobody like to admit.  When they finally realize and admit the mistake, nobody wants to shoulder the responsibility to correct it....leaving it until later.  Making big decisions without thinking well and without any discussions with people is one of the most common biggest mistake made by top management.  Always thinking the boss is always right and the boss knows best.  Never had any boss admit it was their mistake.  The say 'better late than never' stays on the wall.
14.   Re-tracking is something nobody wants to say and do because so much has been spent.  Thus the use of 'pilot project' with the main aim of ensuring that the actual project is viable and feasible to be carried out.  Even though the project may be of importance, but we have to find the best way to make it work....not just by issuing directions without thoughtful any discussions.
15.   Pause and have a look around before making big decisions.  Bosses at the top tend to forget what it is like to be down there.  They tend to forget that they had experience the same thing with the bosses before them. its best to make proper analysis first.
copy right Azida

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