Monday, January 14, 2013


21.   Its best to have a well laid-out plan.  A mere statement won't be of any help for the team to go forward.  Everybody has to have the same vision in order to succeed.

22.   Respect each order and value team members' opinion.  Practice and internalize shared value.  The team will achieve more if respect and good manners is being well observed.
23.  Practice appropriate management and leadership style.  When working in a team, the correct management and leadership style need to be observed.  Being a team player is also one of management style.  Members need to know when to be a leader and when its best to be the quiet team player.  But do not be too quiet just waiting for something to happen....
24.   Be an asset, not liability.  Proactive, innovative and creative is one too few criteria that people search for in team members beside one of the most important one that in the ability to be a team player.  Being good and full of ideas doesn't guarantee you being an asset if you cannot work together as a team.
25.   See yourself as others see you.  Do not assume that you are the only one producing good ideas.  Consider and combination of ideas may be the best as the saying goes, 'Two head is better than one'.  But beware that 'Too many cooks spoils the broth'.
Copy Right Azida

Have you had fun reading my Team: As It Should Be? from Part I to part V.  Its just some of what I feel based on my experience...  Have fun you all....

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